
Food labelling and checkout sweeties – our mums have their say

The Government has announced it is going to introduce a voluntary traffic light labelling system for foods in supermarkets to help people make healthier food choices.  An Asda representative was interviewed on Radio 4 about the scheme and was taken to task over their ‘guilty’ checkouts (filled with sweet and treats). We wanted to know … Continued

What wins on the school run – style or practicality?

I think we can officially say that autumn is here. I’m pretty sure it is because I’ve got soaked on the school run every day for the last week. And as all our team are mums we’ve been sharing insight about what trends we’ve spotted in the playground. We also asked our MumPanel what they … Continued

Forget Christmas, let’s book a holiday!

It’s only two months until Christmas and in every shop the shelves are packed with Christmas goodies. We asked our MumPanel what they’ll be spending their money on this Christmas and there were some surprising results.  We wanted to know if mums are feeling the financial pinch this year – 30% said they would be … Continued

Car seats – combining safety with sales

If you want to sell more effectively to mums (and dads) then you need to identify what it is they want. And that’s not as simple as having the right products on the shelf, especially when those products are going to be used for transporting our precious children around. A few weeks ago we got … Continued

Does sex sell potatoes to mums?

That’s the question we answered in a recent survey for Fresh Produce Journal. Samantha Lyster, deputy editor, approached us asking whether we’d help her understand what influences mums’ decision making process when it comes to buying fresh fruit and vegetables. She particularly wanted to understand how much influence advertising campaigns had on mums and in … Continued

Back to school – uniforms

It’s that not-so-joyful time of year for mums when we have to schlep around the shops looking for school uniform. It’s time to weigh up the pros and cons of costs versus quality, money back guarantees versus promises of kid-tested, whatever you can grab versus careful planning with compliant children.   We asked our mums … Continued

You only know what you know

If you want to target mums, you need to understand what they want. To understand what they want you need to ask questions. Sounds obvious doesn’t it? But getting to the RIGHT questions can be a trickier process.  If you don’t ask the right questions then you never get the answers you need to truly … Continued

MumPanel – One Minute Insight

At MumPanel we’re constantly asking our mums for their views and ideas. There’s some fascinating insight that comes out of our research and conversations and we want to share it with you in a one minute snippet. Mums Favourite Brands We asked mums to name their favourite brands. The response was enlightening – there were … Continued

Parent Power – Are you listening to what we are saying?

Last week Lynne spoke as part of the Parent Power Panel at the Children’s Media Conference in Sheffield. The Children’s Media Conference brings together people who develop, produce and distribute content to kids – across all platforms.  What we wanted to talk about was using parents at the right stage of the development process when … Continued

Holidays – time to think about mums and dads

We’re now in a world where information is available at the click of a button, just a quick surf to a web page on our laptop or smartphone. It’s something that’s particularly useful when you are planning a holiday, or so you’d think. In our experience planning and enjoying a holiday can still be very … Continued